Monday, May 24, 2010


This week, God has been showing me the meaning of truly trusting him. He has been moving things around in my heart and I must say I am so glad that his presence is so Vivid.

Last night was another rough night..not that anything bad happened, but that nothing happened at all. I have problem with just sitting...being still...wasting time...having nothing to do...being bored. I always feel like I need to be doing something, anything. Lately, I have felt that I need to be doing more for God. I need to be out telling someone about God's love, or out helping that person who can't mow their lawn, or out giving hope to that person who lost his last glimpse of hope yesterday...I just don't know how to do it. (or that may be my excuse for not actually doing) I don't know where to start, how to initiate the conversation, how to grab their attention..i just don't know a lot of things. I have been feeling really down about that and last night, I hit bottom.

I picked up my computer and I web chatted with a friend, born in Hong Kong, lived in Australia and now dancing with Boston Ballet. He is a firm believer and his love for God radiates out of him so clearly! I spoke with him and he told me to watch THIS I am warning you, that is a 2 hour video, you can watch just the message and it will be AMAZING, but the worship makes me wonder what happened to it in America. This video gave me so much hope that my burnt out fire for God was restored in one night. God was clearly speaking through the speaker and I learned more and received more hope from this two hour video than I have had in a veryy long time. I recommend watching this if you find the time, if is the major thing.

-Go up another level, right around the corner is another devil..
-If you are under attack you are not doing something are doing something right.
-God has a strategy for everything in your life.
-Sometimes Faith means to be still, do nothing, know he is God, and know he can fix ANYTHING going on in your life.
-God may not move in lightning and thunder, but in a small won't hear it if you are stressed..RELAX

This video made me realize I don't always have to be doing something, I have to be willing to do whatever and he will use me as He pleases and in the time that he wants.

God is's that simple.
He excites me Every Single Day!!
I love him.


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